Saturday 24 July 2021

25 July 2021

 *Day 206/365 (July 25) PORTIONS TO READ*:

*Josiah's godly reign*

Further reproofs for sin - Zephaniah 3:1-7 

God's mercy - Zep.3:8-13 

Restoration of Israel and Jerusalem- Zep.3:14-20

Josiah repairs the temple - 2 Kings 22:3-7, 2 Chronicles 34:8-13

The Book of the Law is found - 2 Kin.22:8-10, 2 Chr.34:14-18

Josiah consults Huldah - 2 Kin.22:11-20, 2 Chr.34:19-28

The king's covenant - 2 Kin.23:1-3, 2 Chr.34:29-32

*A thought*:

Question: Why did some of Israel's kings turn out to be evil and wicked men while others were righteous?

Answer: It depended not merely on their upbringing, their temperament or their view of life, but on their willingness to obey the Word of the Lord. The will is a crucial issue

in the battle with sin and evil. So ask yourself at this moment: How willing am I to obey the divine will?

*Week #30 Memory Verse*:

John 14:15

If you love Me, you will obey what I command.

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