Thursday 4 February 2021

05 Feb 2021

 *Day 36/365 (Feb 5) PORTIONS TO READ*:

_*The Priesthood*_

Garments of the priests (contd...) - Exodus 28:31-43

Consecration of the priests - Exo.29:1-25

Food for the priests - Exo.29:26-37

Continual burnt offering - Exo.29:38-46

Sabbath rest - Exo.31:12-18

*A thought*:

If you were asked to write down the thought on which your mind most often focuses, what would it be? Money? Fame? Pleasure? Or God? If God doesn't have the central place in our thoughts, then whatever takes His place is an idol. Any idols in your life?

*Week #6 Memory Verse:*

Romans 12:1 (for a change, I'm not pasting the verse here. Go, look for it and memorize it 👍


Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a

living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.

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