Monday 15 February 2021

16 Feb 2021

 *Day 47/365 (Feb 16) PORTIONS TO READ*:

_*Atonement for sin*

The sin offering for the whole congregation - Leviticus 4:13-21 

The sin offering for a ruler and for any of the people - Lev.4:22-35 

Concerning the sin offering - Lev.6:24-30 

Concerning various sins - Lev.5:1-13 

Concerning sins against the Lord - Lev.5:14-19

Concerning sins against our neighbour - Lev.6:1-7

Concerning the guilt offering - Lev.7:1-10

Instructions to Aaron and his sons about offerings - Lev.10:8-20

*A thought*: 

Someone has said that the first step towards thanking is thinking. Think, therefore, of how marvelously God has dealt with your sin in Christ, and let your thinking turn into thanking. 

*Week #7 Memory Verse*: 

I Peter 3:18 

For Christ died for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. 

He was put to death in the body but made alive in the spirit.

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