Monday 22 February 2021

23 Feb 2021

 *Day 54/365 (Feb 23) PORTIONS TO READ*:

_*Journeyings continue*_

Order of the divisions -Numbers 10:14-28 

Cloud leads them - Exodus 40:36-38, Num.9:15-23 

In Paran wilderness - Num.10:12,29-32 

Fire at Taberah - Num.10:33-36, 11:1-3 

Arrival at Kibroth - Num.33:16 

Murmuring about manna - Num.11:4-9

Moses complains -Num.11:10-15

Seventy elders chosen - Num.11:16-30

Plague of quails - Num.11:31-34

From Kibroth to

 Hazeroth -Num.11:35, 33:17

Miriam's leprosy - Num.12:1-15

*A thought*:

Today's pressing problems sometimes create within us a hankering for times past -"the good old days" (actually they were "bad old days"). If we forget God's promise of future blessing, we will suffer from a lack of perspective.

*Week #8 Memory Verse*:

Philippians 3:13-14

'... But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining towards what is ahead, I press on towards the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus'.

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